Welcome to Splatter-Chatter! Don't be mean about missing stuff or mistakes, anyway you can talk about Mo Jo Jo Jo or Buffy or Joss Whedon or Dragcave or music or Wiccan or magic or Dr.  Horrible and much, much more. Also don't swear: only  "Damn" or "dammit " is allowed, NOTHING else (expections of me).  Anyway, my site will be edited once in a while or when i I have time. It will get better though. Everyone gets the rules? I will add more when I can.




I erased the comment box and "The Owner" really was me. and I will swear but I am the owner and need to "vent" . If your mad sorry but to all the little shit-wads who bugged me, made me mad, and didn't see the mainpiont of this site (which is to talk about common likings, stuff like that...), so blame them!

I'm done. So take me seriously and instead, scroll below, if your smart. 


P.s. not a very tech savy person am I...


Also "The Owner" is me in the box below.

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